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 1. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Ken Dulaney  The Mobility Imperative  Gartner Voice 
 2. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest David Mitchell Smith  The Vista Imperative?  Gartner Voice 
 3. Dr. Scott Gibson  The Mood Isn't Always Imperative  Preaching Points 
 4. Sir Dave 'tmo' Soule  The Hortatory Imperative  Through the Hymnbook 
 5. Dan Duncan  20 - The Imperative of the Cross  Mark 
 6. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Mark McDonald  CIO Imperative: Growing IT's Contribution  Gartner Voice 
 7. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Mark McDonald  CIO Imperative: Growing IT's Contribution  Gartner Voice 
 8. Dennis Kucinich, Democratic congressman from Ohio and 2008 presidential candidate, 4-25-07  The Imperative of Human Unity  Johns Hopkins SAIS Events - Spring 2007 
 9. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Mark McDonald  CIO Imperative: Growing IT's Contribution  Gartner Voice 
 10. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Mark McDonald  CIO Imperative: Growing IT's Contribution  Gartner Voice 
 11. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Kimberly Harris-Ferrante  The Insurance Industry Outsourcing Imperative  Gartner Voice 
 12. Listen to English  Make a cake! All about imperative verbs.   
 13. INSEAD  INSEAD Knowledgecast n°29: The value creation imperative  INSEAD Knowledgecast 
 14. Minimal Man  The Mobility of Her Features  Interactions 
 15. Adam Jay  Mobility In Naptown  Stick & Move EP 
 16. susan smith nash  upward mobility - 3  e-learning queen 
 17. American RadioWorks  Race and Mobility   
 18. Gardner Campbell  What's Driving Mobility?  ELI 06 Spring Focus Session 
 19. Gardner Campbell  What's Driving Mobility?  ELI 06 Spring Focus Session 
 20. Editorial Team  The Enterprise Performance Management Leadership Imperative   
 21. Lee Irons  6. Covenant Nurture. Part 2. The Indicative Imperative  Covenant Children 
 22. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Joanne Galimi  Predictive Analytics: A Healthcare Insurer Imperative  Gartner Voice 
 23. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Bill Clark  Sales Force Mobility  Gartner Voice 
 24. Host Dale Kutnick and Guest Bill Clark  Sales Force Mobility  Gartner Voice 
 25. Dr. Paul Zahl  Downward Mobility and Its Signigicants   
 26. William Swope  Making Mobility Real  Open Source Business Conference 
 27. Network World Staff  Mobility's future: Is the notebook dead?  Network World Panorama 
 28. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 008 - The Wireless and Mobility PMO   
 29. susan smith nash  upward mobility - podcast part 2  e-learning queen 
 30. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 008 - The Wireless and Mobility PMO   
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